Hypnotherapy is a highly effective method in coaching people to implement change in how to think, feel and behave more positively. It is an approach to twist problems into possibilities, in a dynamic and profound way.
In order , hypnosis is used.Hypnosis is used to treat problems at the root cause and implement change at the source. It is a natural state of focussed attention that we all experience many times a day (e.g., when daydreaming or being immersed in the story of a film or book.) Relaxation of the mind and body is used to calm the mental chatter and tap into the subconscious mind. You will remain fully in control at all times.
As the conscious mind has no capacity to store much information, everything goes in the subconscious since childhood. It contains an unlimited capacity of storage and records everything about you: going from memory, beliefs, actions, feelings, to controlling the body functions. Hypnosis is an alternative to tap into it and release what is no longer needed to create space for the new.
Everyone can be hypnotised in a therapeutic setting; it just requires willingness and positive intentions. Hypnotherapy has nothing to do with stage hypnosis that we see in live performances or television. On the contrary, in a therapeutic setting, the subject has full control over the process. Subjects are actors and not spectators, their participation and focused attention is essential for a positive result. In most cases, this exercise is found to be pleasant and very relaxing, people often feel empowered and motivated following a session.
Eye movement therapy for trauma processing
In order to integrate and process memories and traumas of the past, I use an effective technique merging hypnosis and eye movement therapy. It is done using eye movement while enhancing specific images, memories, and emotions in order to process them. Eye movements enhance the same brain waves that occur during sleep to process the day and it helps to desensitise and process emotions and memories that are no longer needed.
This technique has been proven to be highly effective in treating traumas, stress, and anxiety.
The high ground of this alternative is that there is no need to put words and find meaning to your memories and emotions of the past. The process happens on its own and we rather focus on feelings of the body and emotions arising on the moment to integrate them.
By merging hypnosis and eye movement therapy, only one session is required to integrate stuck emotions. It is a ground-breaking technique recently created by Romain Vandendorpe, a hypnosis and neuroscience expert and 2020 world neuro-ice record holder. I had the chance to be trained by his organisation.